Ficus 'Melany' Rubber Tree - 1 Gallon
Ficus elastica
USDA Zones 10-11
This popular houseplant is native to South Asia & Southeast Asia. It is known for its fleshy burgundy leaves, tolerating low light areas, & for being low maintenance. The leaves can grow to be quite large — ~8-12” long & 4” wide. In tropical climates it can grow to be 40 feet tall! Indoor plants usually get to be 4 to 6 feet.
Being a tropical plant the Ficus loves temperatures of 65 degrees Fahrenheit & above. If kept outdoors, make sure you plant it in a container so you can move it inside when temperatures fall.
When planted INDOORS it loves bright, indirect light. It will tolerate low light levels, but the foliage color will not be as vibrant. When planted OUTDOORS it grows well in full sun or bright indirect light. Again, it will tolerate shade outside as well.
Rubber trees are sensitive to moisture, so you want to wait till the soil is dry before watering. This makes the plant very low maintenance, which is why plant lovers from beginners to experts love it. When watering you want to slowly pour the water around the soil doing your best to not splash the leaves, as water on the leaves may stain them. Cut back watering in winter.
Plant in soil that is well draining with good aeration. The addition of perlite, sand, &/or pine bark will help the soil dry quickly. This is crucial as poor drainage or overwatering can lead to various leaf problems.
Melany Rubber Trees are relatively fast growers. Every few years, during the summer months, repotting is necessary & beneficial. Make sure your pot has a drainage hole! The addition to small rocks at the bottom of the pot can help with drainage.
Again, caring for Rubber Trees is easy! Pruning the tops of the plant from time to time can keep it from getting leggy. Additionally, leaves will collect dust easily, so wiping the foliage every so often with a moist cloth will help it stay picture perfect. You can also use leaf shining products if you like.
The most common problem with Rubber Trees is loss of leaves due to overwatering. This will lead to yellow leaves, wilting, or brown spotting. Some bottom leaves may turn yellow & drop naturally, but if this happens it’s beneficial to check your soil conditions. The plant is also susceptible to mealy bugs, scale, & mites, so if you have find an infested plant in your collection, make sure to move your Rubber Tree away from it.
You’ll notice a white sap if you pluck a leaf or trim the plant. This sap will irritate your pets skin & insides if consumed or touched. Make sure to keep it away from pets.
All in all this is an awesome, easy, & beautiful house plant that will thrive for years if taken care of properly!
Will tolerate low light; thrives in bright indirect light inside or full sun outside. Leaf color is more vibrant in bright light.
Only water when soil is dry. Overwatering or water logged soil can lead to discoloration or loss of leaves & eventually will lead to death.
Well draining soil; extra aeration provided by perlite, sand, or pine bark is suggested.
You will receive a 1 gallon plant bare root without a pot.