Hawaiian Ti Palm Lily Cordyline - 3 Gallon
Cordyline Terminalis ‘Florica’
USDA Zones 9-12
The name ‘Hawaiian Ti’ can be deceiving, as this tropical plant is native to SE Asia & Papua New Guinea. It was later transported around the Pacific Islands, eventually making its way to Hawaii where it was used as a source of food by early Polynesians. Since it was first introduced Hawaiians have found many uses for the plant, such as using the leaves to make hula skirts, as well as covers for surf boards.
While they thrive outside, the Hawaiian Ti also make excellent house plants as they are easy to grow & take care of.
Bright indirect light.
Outside — will benefit from mix of shade & bright indirect light.
Indoors — bright light, no direct sunlight. If your plant is on a window sill, make sure the light is filtered through curtains or window blinds during the hottest parts of the day if there is direct sunlight at this time.
Water frequently, as the ‘Hawaiian Ti’ enjoys consistently moist soil & high humidity. Rather than watering little & often, saturated your soil by watering deeply to maintain a damp soil & prevent it from drying out. During the winter it will need less frequent watering — make sure to let soil dry out completely in between watering during these months.
Use a well draining pot & soil to ensure there isn’t any standing water at bottom of pot, which may lead to root rot.
Interestingly enough, the Hawaiian Ti can be harmed by fluoride. If you live in an area where there are high levels of fluoride in your drinking water it may be helpful to collect rain water instead of using it from the tap.
As a tropical plant, the Hawaiian Ti loves high levels of humidity. To replicate this at home, frequently mist your plant with a water misting spray bottle.
Another way to create humidity is to place your plant pot on a tray of pebbles surrounded by water. As the water evaporates, it will create a more humid environment for your plant.
With that being said, while Hawaiian Ti plants thrive best in humid atmospheres, they will do just fine in lower levels of humidity as long as the air is not very dry.
This tropical plant thrives in hotter weather, hence “tropical.” It will struggle if the temperature drops below 60º F and should be kept away from cold draughts. If you keep your plant on a windowsill or near an external doorway, make sure you move it to a more protected area during colder seasons, so as not to let it get too cold.
Spotted leaves?
Spots can appear on Ti leaves where they have been stressed or physically damaged. Outside this can happen from heavy rains, winds, etc.
Leaf drop or yellow/browning leaves?
Plants suffering from foliage discoloration or dropping leaves is usually a result of improper growing conditions. As a jungle plant, Ti’s thrive in high temperatures with high humidity, but to much heat can cause similarly troublesome conditions. If your Ti plant is suffering from leaves dropping or discoloration, try increasing humidity with regular missing sprays or by using a humidifier, especially in dry seasons.
We will be shipping a 3 gallon size bare root plant with 1-2 stems (depending on size) without the pot.