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Helleborus orientalis 'Royal Heritage'

Helleborus orientalis 'Royal Heritage'


Helleborus orientalis 'Lenten Rose'
USDA Zone 4-9

This herbaceous perennial is a clump forming plant that blooms in the late winter. Flower color is extremely variable, ranging from light shades of pink, red, & white, typically with a speckled pattern on the inside of the flower. We call it a pastel mix. This particular variety of hellebore is our favorite to plant in the ground as it spreads seed every season giving you a larger field of hellebores each year. The pictures in this listing of the blooms & of the field with the flamingo statue are of my parents yard. My dad planted a small clump of 4 or 5 plants 15 years ago & now, usually during late February, we see this amazing display of over 50 plants with incredible multi color flowers. It is a real show stopper & always a conversation piece for anyone who visits during that time. What's more, the flowers have a 8-10 week bloom period!
The plant grows to be 1 to 1.5 feet tall, producing thick stems that give off up to 4 blooms per stem. The dark green foliage is a perfect background for the flower color. Younger leaves will come out a lighter green, giving your garden a bit of variation even on the foliage. 
This plant is awesome in a container AND  in-ground.

As a container/houseplant, hellebores are the best! You can forget to water them until their leaves droop so far they touch the outside of the pot & as soon as you water them they will perk right back up! I took a video of what happened once I watered mine after forgetting -- check out the time lapse in the picture section!

As an outdoor plant, you want to group your plants in a shady area, such as under trees or shrubs. Use a few plants for years of self seeding or mass plant for an immediate ground cover. This specific variety is self seeding. The other varieties we offer are ornamental & will not do so.

Partial to full shade

Average, well drained soil

Regularly; keep soil evenly moist. In a container, make sure there is no stagnant water as this can cause root rot.

Low maintenance, evergreen leaf, showy flower, multi-colored & speckled blooms, no serious pest or disease problems

Deer, rocky soil, heavy shade, air pollution, dry soil

You will receive a 1 gallon size plan bare root without a pot. We leave enough soil attached to the roots to keep moist during transportation, but you will need to provide soil to plant your Hellebore in upon reception.

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