Monstera deliciosa - 3 Gallon
Split-leaf philodendron, Windowleaf, Ceriman
USDA Zone 10-12
Native to Central America Monsteras are unique, easy to grow houseplants with large leaves decorated with dramatic hole formations. While the starter plants you will receive are solid, the larger they grow, the more pronounced they will become. This climbing evergreen loves bright, indirect light, but can also grow under fluorescent lights or in low lit areas. These awesome plants are also tolerant of the occasional missed watering, making them the perfect plant for inexperienced plant parents*.
While you are receiving a small starter plant, the larger the get the more distinctive “Swiss cheese” leaf patterns you will see. These slits and holes are called fenestrations. A mature Monstera will grow to be 3 feet tall & long & 2-3 feet wide. The bloom in mid-summer with a cream or tan colored flower.
When grown in containers you want to choose a deep pot with many drainage holes. Your starter plant will need a relatively small pot which you should fill the bottom third with a peaty potting soil. Set the roots in the container & fill with soil around the roots. Once it gets larger, repot your plant in a larger container & use a stake for your plant to attach it’s stems to. Firmly surround the stake with soil & the plant will do the rest!
*With that being said, repetitive missed waterings can lead to an unhealthy, out of condition plant which is more susceptible to yellow leaves, insects, or other health conditions.
When planting outdoor refer to the USDA Zones the plant is hardy to (10-12). In these areas it will thrive year round in warm, humid weather. Establish your plant in a part shade area in well draining soil. If the soil is naturally salty in your region, move it to the patio or indoors. Apply a balanced fertilizer 3-4 times a year & the plant may grow 10 feet tall or more!! Because you are purchasing a starter plant from us we suggest you start your plant in a container inside before planting outside so it may grow to be a larger, established plant before set into the wild elements.
Plant in a peaty, well draining soil in a pot with drainage holes or in a cache pot (one without a drainage hole) that includes a liner.LIGHT
Monsteras can grow in virtually any area of your home. It will tolerate low light, but will grow faster with more dramatic leaf patterns when placed in a bright area. With that being said, direct sunlight will burn your Monstera’s foliage so you’ll want to avoid strong sunlight or areas directly inside a window. Windows magnify the sun’s light, so if your placing your plant near a window make sure there is a good bit (at least 6 inches) of space between it & the glass.WATER
You’ll know when it’s time to water your Monstera when the top 3/4 of the soil is dry. When watering saturate the soil well enough so there is water dripping from the drainage hole in your pot. If your pot sits on a saucer make sure to empty the saucer of any excess water to avoid your plant sitting in water for too long. Root rot is an easy way to kill your Monstera, so doing everything you can to make sure your soil & pot drain when watered is an easy way to keep your plant healthy.In the winter, you can allow your plant to dry out a little more between waterings.
In it’s natural habitat Monstera deliciosa is a climber, using its aerial roots to cling to large trees, so once your plant reaches a relatively larger size you should provide it with (sometimes moss covered) support sticks or a trellis. If the aerial roots get unruly you can trim them, but it’s best to just tuck them into the pot. Don’t worry — these roots won’t damage walls or surfaces.FERTILIZER
Standard liquid plant fertilizer can be applied about once a month during the spring & summer growing seasons.REPOTTING
When your Monstera outgrows it’s current pot transplant it to a new pot a few inches larger in diameter & depth than the old one. This is usually done once the roots touch the bottom of the pot or when the roots become pot bound.HUMIDITY
Monsteras are an easy house plant & will thrive in almost any environment, so humidity is not always necessary. BUT, if you want to accelerate it’s growth or give your plant a treat you can gently mist it’s foliage around once every week or week & a half. Misting is best done in the morning so the droplets have plenty of time during the day to evaporate. Lack of light & standing water on foliage can cause your leaves spot or mold, so giving the droplets time to vaporize is imperative.EXTRA CARE
Monstera deliciosa leaves can grow to be relatively large. Large leaves can collect dust even in the cleanest of homes. To keep your foliage clean & dirt free gently wiping them with a damp cloth will keep them clean & healthy.PROPAGATION
The best way to propagate your Monstera is air-layering. While it’s a more involved process than most propagation methods, it might be well worth it if you want more of these beautiful plants.
*BE CAREFUL! Monstera leaves are mildly toxic to pets & humans. Typically ingestion will cause mouth & stomach irritation, possibly causing vomiting. We recommend pet parents stay clear of this plant or place it in an area your pets don’t enter.
You will receive a 3 gallon size plant bare root without a pot.
The most common cause of yellowing leaves on Monsteras is improper soil moisture, which is most likely caused by overwatering. You only want to water your Monstera when the top 2-3 inches (50-75%) of your soil is dry. The soil should remain damp, but not wet.
Again, when you water make sure to provide enough so that water flows through the drainage hole, but make sure you discard any excess water as they do not respond well & may cause root rot, which will eventually lead to your plant’s demise.
Proper & consistent soil moisture is critical in caring for our Monstera. Alternating between bone dry & saturated wet soil from ill-timed waterings can cause stress & your Monstera will turn yellow.
Low humidity & dry soil causes leaves to brown on the edges, later followed by entire yellowing.
Generally, Monsteras will thrive when placed anywhere from low to bright indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight for too long will cause foliage to burn. While they can adapt to low light areas, growth will slow. Too little light can result in yellowing leaves. Take note of the light your Monstera receives & if you experience problems move it accordingly.
Weakened or stressed Monstera become more susceptible to insect infestations.
*Spider mites will suck the sap of the foliage, draining the plant of moisture. This problem will quickly cause yellow leaflets & fronds.
*Scale, mealy bugs, & spider mites are common in indoor conditions.
If not killed early on these pests will multiply quickly & more along frond parts, into nooks & crannies, making it extremely difficult to remove. The insects will exhaust your plants & accelerate yellowing, especially if your monstera is already unhealthy from poor lighting, a nutrient deficiency, or improper moisture.
While we have given you a detailed list of many different unfortunate reasons your plant could be yellowing there is a chance your yellowing could be natural. If there is new growth on your plant & the yellowing leaves are older (particularly at the bottom of the plant), this yellowing is natural. Your plant is shedding it’s old leaves & sending energy to it’s new growth rather than wasting it on older leaves.