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Euphorbia wulfenii 'Shorty'

Euphorbia wulfenii 'Shorty'



Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii 'Shorty'

USDA Zones 7-9


Shorty Spurge



This fast growing evergreen perennial is an awesome plant for in-ground or container gardening! For those regions that have mild winters, Euphorbia 'Shorty' can be planted year round. 

'Shorty' will grow up to 4 feet tall! It has an up-right & outward growth pattern. Mature plants will look like clumps of the unique, tall, blue foliage with yellow flowers.

This Euphorbia blooms in March. Unique yellow flowers erupt on a tall lime green stalk that sits above the foliage. 

It is drought tolerant & deer resistant!



Full sun



Average water needs; can take some neglegence; drought tolerant



Well draining, average



Border plant

Rock garden

Container garden

Specimen plant

Year Round Interest

Winter Interest



You will receive a 1 gallon size plant bare root without a pot.

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