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Rhipsalis baccifera

Rhipsalis baccifera


Rhipsalis baccifera 


You will receive a starter plant bare root, currently growing in 3.5" pots. Each starter plant will include 1 or more branching stems with established roots.


Rhipsalis baccifera is an epiphytic jungle succulent. Epiphytic plants have shallow root systems because they retain moisture & nutrients through their stems, as well as their roots. In their native habitat you can find them growing from the nooks of trees shaded by the tree canopy.


A jungle succulent's natural environment differs greatly from your average desert succulent's habitat. When most people hear the word "succulent" they think of plants that thrive in full sun & arid, dry conditions. Those requirements are for succulents that live in the desert. Rhipsalis & other jungle succulents, however, live in tropical jungles & rainforests. The natural conditions of these environments involve heavy humidity, lots of rain, & mostly shade!

As we previously stated, Rhipsalis naturally grows out of the nooks of trees. The nooks of a tree are located along the trunk of a tree underneath their dense canopy. This area receives indirect morning light & partial shade for most of the day. In order to raise happy & healthy plants you will want to emulate this native habitat. During warm months when your plant can live outdoors, find a space that fits these light requirements, such as underneath a patio or tree. When grown indoors, don't keep your plant right next to a window. Find an area where your Rhipsalis receives bright to medium indirect light. 


When it comes to moisture, jungles receive almost constant moisture, whether it be in the form of humidity or rain. Keep your plant in a well-draining soil, but make sure to water it enough so that the soil remains lightly & evenly moist. You want to make sure the water is able to escape through a drainage hole, but you also don't want to let the soil dry out completely. Water your plant when the top 1-2" of the soil is dry (you can check this with your finger or a stick; Stick method for checking moisture -- poke a stick down into the soil & if pieces of soil are stuck to the stick when you pull it out the soil is still moist. If your stick is clean of dirt than it is dry & you should water it). When you water saturate the soil until you see water draining through the drainage hole. Even though Rhipsalis' root system isn't it's primary way of receiving moisture (like most plants are), the roots do obtain some moisture from the plant, so you want to make sure the water gets down in the soil far enough to touch them!

Again, Rhipsalis is an epiphytic plant, which means it receives moisture & nutrients from the air (humidity) through it's stems, as well as its roots. It's important to make sure your plant is in a relatively heavily humid environment. Keep your plant in a naturally humid space, such as a bathroom or kitchen, or make sure to mist it's stems/foliage to mimic humidity. 



After reading this you may think caring for a Rhipsalis sounds pretty involved, but when you get down to brass tax it's actually easy! Finding a space in your home that receives medium or bright indirect light is much easier than the full/direct sun space that desert succulents need & watering when the top 1-2" of soil is dry usually means once every week or week & a half. Other than that you just have to spritz it's leaves with a mister every now & then & you will have an AWESOME, unique, trailing succulent that will have everyone who see's it in awe!!


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  • Plant Identification

    Common Name

    Mistletoe Cactus


    Botanical Name

    Rhipsalis baccifera



    Plant Type

    Jungle Succulent; Tropicals; Cacti &


    USDA Zones

    10a - 11b; 30ºF - 50ºF


    Central America, Central & Northwestern

    parts of South America 

    Plant Size

    Will grow 20'+ in the wild

    Flower Description

    White blooms; up to .5" long & 

    .6" diameter --> followed by small 

    ornamental white berries that line both

    sides of the foliage on the stem

    Bloom Time

    February - July


    Somewhat drought tolerant, but don't

    let it dry out for too long






  • Planting Specifications

    Sun Exposure

    Partial Shade; Morning sun & shade the rest of

    the day;

    Indoors: Bright to moderate indirect light

    Soil Type

    Well-draining & fertile soil

    Soil pH

    Mildly Acidic; Neutral; Mildly Alkaline


    Moderate; Keep soil lightly & evenly moist;

    don't let soil dry out for too long


    Cold hardy up to 40ºF; Ideally 60ºF - 75ºF


    Moderate - High; Epiphytic -- receive moisture

    through the stems, as well as through roots;

    if dry environment provide supplemental 



    Spring & Summer months -- feed monthly;

    diluted half-strength formulated for cacti

    Growth Habit



    Growth Rate



    18- 24"


    Focal Plant, Speciment Plant, Hanging Basket,



    Little to none; watch for pests, such as aphids,

    mealy bugs, scale


    Stem cuttings -- allow cuttings to callous 

    before planting


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